Sims 4 Infinite Money Cheat Codes (April 2024)

Are you searching for a list of Sims 4 cheats? You may be looking for that essential Sims 4 money cheat, new items to add to your collection, or simply zapping the Sim from one location to another; there’s a wealth of helpful  Sims 4 infinite money cheat to make your life and that of your virtual family more simple.

Cheats aren’t unique in The Sims, but if you’ve never played any previous games in the adored life game or fear that cheats from earlier Sims games will not work in this, let us help you with our own listing of Sims 4 cheats. We’ll guide you on the steps to enter Sims 4 cheats, give you some of the most effective cheats and provide the specifics of what they offer.

So, if you require an additional ten thousand Simoleons to build your dream home or keep some Sims from dying, then the list below of Sims 4 cheats can ensure your family’s health and success regardless of how carelessly or sloppy you behave.

ALSO, READ Taffy Tales Cheat Codes

How to Get Unlimited Money in Sims 4?

To earn unlimited cash to play Sims 4, you could use any of these three cheats:

  • Rosebud: You get 1000 dollars in household cash
  • Motherlode: You get 50000 household money
  • Money X: Instead of X, you have to enter the amount you want to earn. For example, if, for example, you put in the amount of money 10000, that means you will receive 10000 house funds. However, this trick can be used in the reverse direction if you have 50000 household funds, and you enter Money 5, you only have 5 household funds.

How to Turn on Cheats in Sims 4?

If you aren’t sure how to enable and enter cheating, this article can help. If you already have cheats enabled or are aware of how to turn them on and will allow them, skip this section. To begin entering cheats, you must open the console. For this, you must press CMD+SHIFT+C operating a Mac. 

Once you’ve opened the console, enter “testingcheats true” or “testingcheats on”. Attempt both on the off chance that possibly one doesn’t work. If everything was done correctly, you’d see a dialogue box that reads “Cheats are enabled”.

ALSO, READ Family Island Cheat Guides

Sim 4 UI Cheats

It’s basically an extension created to make cheating more simple. It doesn’t include any new cheats. However, it eliminates the requirement to open the command console manually and input the cheats you’re looking for. It’s a nice mod for quality of life if you need to use several cheating techniques.


Move objects in Sims 4 offers additional features. If you enable cheating the objects can be moved vertically, or on surfaces where they shouldn’t be allowed to place. Tables can be placed on bed surfaces, and toilets on pools! Be aware that when you use it in this manner, Sims often cannot use the object at hand because they won’t be able to physically touch it to start the animation scripts for the object. This cheating technique can be used to create homes in unique ways.

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