Best to Worst Borderlands 2 Classes (September 2024)

Borderlands 3 was released last year to rave reviews, but its predecessor, released in 2012, remains a fan favourite. Best Class Borderlands 2 remaining parts are the most adored portion in Gearbox Software’s particular series. It is ranked Borderlands game ranked number one. You can find new textures, skins, and playable characters in every iteration. 

Even though the game has been around for eight years, new players continue to join the servers. The game was associated with The Handsome Collection, which gives Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel in one group. This collection is accessible on almost every gaming platform and regularly appears in significant sales. 

The Best Borderlands 2 Classes Ranked

Before we can determine which Borderlands character is best, there are some quick qualifiers that we need to remove. 

BL2 is a balanced game. Each character has their own abilities, making them more useful for specific situations. Not one of them is more vulnerable or more regrettable than the others. Cheer up, assuming your number one person is lower than you anticipated.

It could just mean they are a little more niche than others. This second list will include both DLC characters and the original four. These characters will be included in The Handsome Collection, but you may have to purchase them separately if the vanilla version is installed. 

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1. Gunzerker


Guns, guns, and more guns! Our pick for the best Borderlands 2 character classes is Salvador. This won’t amaze anybody who has played him. Gunzerking allows him the ability to use any number of guns simultaneously. But, his main reason for being our number one pick is a hack that uses this unique ability. 

Borderlands 2 has guns that can both heal and do damage. Grog Nozzle is an effective weapon that heals for 65% of wear and slags your enemies, which causes them to take more damage. These features can be combined with a more powerful gun, such as the Unkempt Harold, to make Salvador nearly unkillable and deal massive damage. This method is accessible to the point that you can basically muscle your direction through the whole game utilizing it.

2. Mechromancer

Gaige is another DLC character. Are you a fan of explosions and giant robots? Uplifting news! Gaige’s one-of-a-kind capacity, “Passing Trap,” permits her to call a monstrous drifting executioner robot of a similar name.

Many of the abilities of the Mechromancer are shock-damage-based. It can be mixed. Although shock is 50% more effective against enemy shields than against the flesh, it has a 10% penalty against flesh. It is also ineffective against zombies. Frankenstein can be healed by it.

3. Commando

Axton is the man to go assuming you want to trade, reload and fire quicker with any firearm in the game. Axton is the best-adjusted character in the game, and we believe he’s the Borderlands 2 best person to solo play. Axton is also the best character to play solo if you don’t know your preferred style. Many of his abilities improve the game’s basic mechanics. 


This concludes our guide to Best Class Borderlands 2. The Gunzerker is a better choice for all players than the Mechromancer. You should pick the class that best suits your playstyle. These characters are fun and have exceptional capacities to totally change your ongoing interaction experience.

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